Welcome to my journal
this is the section of my webite dedicated to writing in cryšk!
most of the entries will be descring my day or thoughts I have, this allows the any learners a real chance at developing their understanding and comprehension of cryšk by translating and listening to the entries!
most entries will be provided with audio, and will have footnotes explaining certain constructions or odities of a phrase
this may include non-cannon uses of a word, context, or ad-hoc constructions.
it will be noted when a word or constructions is ad-hoc, these words and constructions should not be concidered the standared, but rather an idiolectal deviation
I recomend you to have the cryšk split-screen dictionary while viewing, and use the IPA converter if needed.
because neocities apearently doesnt allow me to upload audio files, I have resorted to the last resort of linking to youtube videos with the audio and screenshots of the entries
17/12/24: Ywcņt rw krw
hysycņt hsy hk, ǧnk cny tšrw cym² rw h cynw hsy. Msymsy ǧnk cnwxt tšrw cŵņ s skm tŵņ.
Hwwy rsy mry hk s skm-cryšk nw³ crņ? hwwy ǧynw³ hsy cn? Xņ⁴, hwwy rsy tmw cš hk, ǧn cwm tmw cry mytņ sy.
¹cņt-cŵņ, ad-hoc term for "mind while sleeping"
²alternative form of cmy
³subjunction in this case, meaning "before". usually means as preposition "be above", unfortunately I havent added it to the online dictionary yet
⁴non-cannon term, "work" as in something going well or functioning
⁵sound of "hmm"
14/12/24: h mrcņ nxhyņ
Cny mrcņ hk mŵty rw hnņ rw gyry hk. Gýw hsy hk.
Sy² ǧt msy rw hck cny gyrycņ nxhyņ sy!
ǧt nxhyņ cycy sny³ h kyšý t syyw t⁴ hk t ǧynyty⁴ hy, ǧnk kyšý cwrwty.
¹ ad-hoc construction of mr "eat" + cņ "verbaliser", for "feed"
² in context with last sentance(s), already positive to the speaker, this one would be even more such, so I would see "even" as a fit translation.
³ alternative form of sny "love"
⁴ "kyšý t" is a construction for more indirect looking, reference english's "look at"
⁵ non-cannon word for "family member(s)"
10/12/24: shņ rw h kwnyý cqty-kwnyý kwny
Mry hk rwštw cycy hymyņ, ckw hymyņ.
Mrxtk ğrsyty³ s ğn ğty, xxxx⁴
Mrwxtk yw kwny⁵ rw skm nwnwņgw, ğt "yap". cwrw hņ rw skm-ttny⁶-cryšk hwrýw "yape [jaɸə]". tcs *yape t yw "ýýx" rw skm cryšk hy!⁷
¹ clarification: "in the view of"
² non-cannon polysemy for "dog" (applys to all other times rysy was used in entrie), may become cannon later, no promises
³ add-hoc derivation from rsy, meaning "tastefull food". Usual cryšk would use mrty rsy or mwcyty rsy for this.
⁴ note: did not include the laugh in the audio
⁵ pertaining to a language (nununku in this case), a word or piece of grammar can be rw (of) a language.
⁶ non-cannon word, reduplicated form of tny, it is being used as a nominal-adjective in skm-ttny which together means "proto-language". it has not been isolation or with any other nouns before
⁷ context: this clause concerns language evolution.