S - s

sadness qņty
safe cm
same ŵrņ
say kty
· ywcņ
scratch cykyt
· cykytty
search, look around for something sŵ -
see kyšý
set hkwņ
set on fire týwcņ
set, place, down on - t
shallow shy
shape shty
share - t
sharp cxhyš
shine into tņt -
shoe rgy
shortsightedly, without thinking cŵņ
shoulder trņ
show tky
show up ǧryņ
sick ckwņ
sicken ckwņ
sight, ability to see kyšýty
signal chwty
silly cŵy
sister smyņ
skill cyyw
skilled twx
skilled in - mry
skin myýņ
skull stw
sky kņý
sleep crņ
slide skw
small deposite of material cmyry
smell bad rry
smile sty
· styty
soal cņt
someone cryšk
sorry cygy
source cwrwty
speak kty
· kty
speak with ǧty
spider cxwy
spine ckry
start chw
· chw
steal gwryņ
stick kymry
stomach nkw
stomp kwš
stone cymņ
story ywcņty
stress tc
stressed tc
strong mhw
sun smy
support mty
· mtyty
swive kk