• c • g • ǧ • h • k • m • n • ņ • p • q • r • s • t • w • ŵ • x • y • ý •
C - c
ccņ [áʔan] [aʔán] n. canoe, used to traverse rivers and lakes.
cgņ [ágan] v,tr. hear, listen, pay attention. ǧn tny hk cny cgņ cryņ my father can't hear well.
- t v,in-prep. listen to, pay attention to. cgņ hny t hk cn? are you listening to me?
chw [áhu] v,tr. start, a game conversation, or, ceremony; signalling to others that they may now participate.
v,in. begin, a game, conversation, or ceremony.
chwty [ahúti] n. signal, words or signs telling when to begin something. Root: chw.
chy [áhi] n. breast, utter.
ckkw [akáku] Variant: ckw-ckw. n. reputation, how people see you.
ckry [akári] n. back, spine.
s - rw prep. on the top of, a geographical feature like a hill or mountain.
ckw [áku] n. 1 • face.
2 • intentions, what one plans to do or how one plans to behave.
ckwcņ v,tr. be destined for, be made for (s.t). Root: ckw ‘"face"’.
- t v,in-prep. 1 • start leaving with a place to go in mind,
2 • be on the way to, be in the middle of a commute to.
(sŵ) - m v,in-prep. slightly prefer, lean towards.
ckw-hmy [áku hámi] n-n. eyebrow, eye ridge. Syn: hmy1. See: ckw; hmy1. Category: Nkwnkw - body.
ckwņ [akún] v,in. be sick, be ill.
v,tr. 1 • sicken, infect.
2 • not be liked by, not be enjoyed by.
ckwņty [akúnti] n. illness, disease. Root: ckwņ.
cm1 [áma] v,in. be safe.
cm2 [áma] v,in. be cute.
cmcņ [ámaʔan] [amáʔan] v,tr. protect. Root: cm1.
cmy [ámi] Variant: cym. n. way, method, how it is done.
cmyry [amíri] n. 1 • small animal which poses no threat and no use, usually an insect or bug.
2 • small deposite of material.
cmyņrýw [amíndaju] n. fire-fly. Morph: cmyry‑týw. Category: Hwq - Animals & insects.
cmš [ámaʃ] n. sand.
cn [ána] v,in. be true, correct or right.
aux. conditional, if, whether.
cnkkyty [anákiti] n. enough, an ample amount.
cnky [anáki] v,in. be enough, be ample.
cnty [anáti] n. truth. Ant: cyýtw; Root: cn.
cny [áni] v,tr. have, own.
aux. can.
- kyšýty v,tr-n. be alert, be wide awake.
ǧn - kyšýty neg-v,tr-n. be unalert, be sleepy.
cnņyw [anánju] Variant: cņyw-cņyw. v,tr. greet, welcom. Root: cņyw.
cq [ákʷa] adj. close, nearby.
cqhy [akʷáhi] n. tree, for which the roots are used to make rope.
cqty [akʷáti] n. place, area. Root: cq.
cr [ára] n. basket.
crcņ [áraʔan] v,tr. put away, stash. Root: cr.
crcņty [áraʔanti] n. stash, place for putting valuables.
cryņ [arín] v,in. 1 • be healthy, physically and or emotionally.
2 • be good, morally. Sim: nhy ‘"kind"’; Ant: cwxhw ‘"bad"’.
cryšk [aríʃka] n. 1 • person, of the ariska culture. kwnyýxt hny cryšk sy? do you know this person? Gen: ywmņ ‘"person"’; Sim: ŵcņ ‘"foreigner"’.
2 • someone. Category: Ywmņ - People.
nadj. common-place, normal. ǧn hsy ǧyywty-cryšk mwnw this isnt exactly your normal water.
cryškryšk [aríʃkariʃka] prn. 1 • we, generally inclusive.
2 • we, used for an expectation. ǧn cryškryšk sryx hŵņ we don't kill one another. Root: cryš.
crņ [áran] v,in. sleep.
csw [ásu] n. collect, gather.
cswty [asúti] n. collection, place where things are put and displayed. Root: csw.
csņ [ásan] n. nest.
ctx [atáx] [átax] v,in. 1 • breath.
2 • live, be alive.
ctxty [atáxti] n. 1 • breath.
2 • moment. Root: ctx.
cw [ú] v,in. 1 • bleed.
v,tr. draw blood, make bleed.
2 • be in pain, either emotional or physical. hurt, put in pain, either emotional or physical.
3 • bloody, used for empthesis, rarely actually bloody.
cwkw [úku] v,in. 1 • be deep, a hole or body of water.
2 • be loud.
3 • be big, a room or cave. Ant: shy "shallow".
cwm [úma] v,tr. want. Sim: mwnŵy ‘"wish for"’.
aux. want.
cwmy [úmi] n. grass.
cwrw [úru] v,in. come from, originate from.
cwrwty [urúti] n. 1 • origin, source.
2 • reason. Sim: tký ‘"reason"’; Root: cwrw.
cwty [úti] n. 1 • blood.
2 • pain. Root: cw ‘"bleed"’.
cwxhw [úxhu] v,in. 1 • be bad.
2 • be hurt, injured. Syn: cw ‘"be in pain"’.
3 • be unlucky. Ant: sg ‘"lucky"’.
cx [áx] n. fiber, fiberous material. Category: Kwnyty - New additions, Kwkwšty - Materials.
cxhyš [açíʃ] v,in. 1 • be sharp.
2 • be cool, popular.
cxn [áxna] v,in. tingle, feel like pins and needles.
v,tr. tickle.
cxty [áxti] v,in. laugh.
cxwy [áxwi] n. spider.
cxyw [áçju] n. throat, neck. Category: Nkwnkw - body.
cycy [íʔi] adj. 1 • one.
2 • one, particular.
cygwcņ [igúʔan] v,in. do as such, do as told, follow.
adv. like this, as such.
cygwty [igúti] n. 1 • apearence.
2 • color.
3 • type, kind. Root: cygw.
cygy [ígi] v,tr. regret.
v,in. be sorry.
cykyt [ikíta] v,tr. 1 • scratch, scratch at.
2 • hollow out.
cykytty [ikitáti] n. 1 • scratch, injury from claws.
2 • brush, blemish, a small injury. Root: cykyt.
cykņ [ikán] n. tool. Category: Kwnyty - New additions.
cykš [ikáʃ] v,in. fall or tip over onto the ground, breaking.
v,tr. make s.t fall or tip over, breaking. this can be done both intentionally and unintentionally. Gen: kņkw ‘"break"’.
cykšty [ikáʃti] n. part, shard , fragment of a physical object. Root: cykš ‘"fall and break"’.
cymwrty [imuráti] n. front of a house, front door.
cymņ [imán] n. stone, the materal or a piece of it.
2. dryed and useless clay. Cpart: myýmņ ‘"wet clay"’. Category: Kwkwšty - Materials.
cymšty [imáʃti] n. adobe. Category: Kwkwšty - Materials, Kwnyty - New additions.
cynw [ínu] v,tr. 1 • do, preform.
2 • make. Syn: kwry ‘"create"’.
cynwty [inúti] nadj. constructed, man-made. Root: cynw.
cyrgny [iragáni] n. rabbit. Category: Hwq - Animals & insects, Kwnyty - New additions.
cyrkw [iráku] n. 1 • cliffside.
2 • wall.
cyrkwrkw [irákuraku] n. mountain or set of mountains. Root: cyrkw.
cyrmy [irámi] n. ear. Category: Nkwnkw - body.
cyry [íri] v,in. fall.
v,tr. jump down from.
- ry Variant: - rw. drop from, be let go of. cyrwxt kymry rw hk I dropped a stick.
cyrņ [irán] v,tr. fight, either physically or verbally.
cyrņty [iránti] n. fight, dispute, battle. Root: cyrņ.
cyt [íta] v,in. yell , vocalizing loudly.
v,tr. yell, s.t, usually to attract ones attention.
cyt ýņty [íta jánti] v,tr-n. be afraid, be worried. See: cyt; ýņty.
- mry v,tr-n-prep. be afraid of, be woried about.
cyyw [ijú] [íju] n. 1 • fork or section in a river.
2 • specialization or branch, regarding skills and jobs.
3 • knot. Category: Kwnyty - New additions.
cyywx [ijux] v,in. wait.
v,tr. wait for, s.o.
cyýtw [ijátu] n. 1 • nonsense, babbling, speach which is not able to be understood due to its contrived nature.
2 • lie, attempt at convincing someone of something not true.
cyškyš [íʃkiʃ] n. snake. Category: Hwq - Animals & insects, Kwnyty - New additions.
cý [ája] adj. part, belonging or asociated to a greater whole. hwwy sykš t hk kymry cý sy could you hand me this stick (the one for the tool)? ǧt tky cš h cý mry hwrkņ Those bricks are a part of the house.
adv. partly, not fully.
cýcņ [ajáʔan] [ájaʔan] v,tr. divide, seperate, disassemble. Root: cý.
- t v,tr-prep. share, distribute, to s.o.
- mry v,tr-prep. assign, s.o to a task or job.
cýty [ájati] n. role, job. Root: cý. Category: Kwnyty - New additions.
-cņ [ʔan] aff. 1 • verbilizer.
2 • transitivisor.
cņhy [ámhi] v,in. 1 • be weak.
2 • be fragile or easy to break, rocls and structures. Ant: mhw ‘"strong"’.
cņky [ánki] n. duck. Category: Hwq - Animals & insects.
cņt [ánta] n. 1 • soal, essence.
nadj. true, real.
2 • mind.
cņyw [ánju] v,tr. hug.
c,in. be close together or in a bundle, of objects.
cņywty [anjúti] [ánjuti] n. 1 • hug.
2 • bundle. Root: cņyw.
cš [áʃ] adj. that.
adv. 1 • there.
2 • optional future marker, has notion of certainty to it.
cšr [áʃʀa] v,in. be cold, be cool.
cšrty [áʃʀati] n. cold.
cšrš [áʃʀaʃ] v,in. be too cold, be freezing.
cŵx [awáx] v,in. be mad, angry.
v,tr. make mad, enrage.
cŵy [áwi] 1a • v,in. smell weird or suspicious.
1b • v,in. be weird or suspicious.
2 • v,in. be silly, known for acting in strange but apealing ways.
cŵņ [áwan] adj. 1 • blind, not able to see.
adv. while blind, not being able to see. Idiom: kyšýty cŵņ ‘"closed eyes"’.
2 • shortsighted, not able to plan far ahead.
adv. shortsightedly, without thinking.
cŵšk [awáʃka] v,tr. 1 • play, a game.
2 • play on, a certain field or within a certain border. Sim: kky ‘"play around"’.
cŵškty [awáʃkati] n. game, play area. Root: cŵšk.
cǧ [ágʷa] n. penis.