
c g ǧ h k m n ņ p q r s t w ŵ x y ý

T - t

t   prep. 1 • motion towards, to, into. ckwcņ hk t cšnš im going to lake.

2 • recipient of an action, to. hwwy ywcņ t hk hcny mry please tell me what you are thinking of.

3 • changing to another state, into. tcsxt nyšty sy t k gr this kid grew up to be a hateful person.

tc   1 • v,in. be taught.

v,tr. pull taught.

2 • v,in. be stressed or overworked.

v,tr. make s.o stressed, demand too much of s.o.

3 • adv. completely, to the fullest extent or to completion.

tcs   v,in. grow, grow old.

- t   v,in-prep. slowly become, grow to, come to.

tcty   1a • n. straight line, drawn.

1b • n. post, put in the ground to mark s.t. these posts are commonely utiliesd in many games to mark the edge of the playing field.

2 • n. taught piece of rope or cordage. Root: tc "taught".

tgy   n. 1 • leaf.

2 • page.

tgytgy   n. book, manuscript. Root: tgy.

tkry   adv. 1 • back, in return.

2 • back, back to the original state.

tky1   v,tr. show. Ant:  "hide".

tky2   n. brick.

tký   1a • n. root.

1b • n. bottom trunk, of a tree.

2 • n. reason. Sim: cwrwty "cause, reason".

tkņ   n. 1 • egg.

2a • bud or the flower of the plant.

2b • center of the flower, the pistil.

tkņ ckw   n. eye ball, whole eye. Sim: kyšýty "eye". See: tkņ.

tmcņ   n. 1 • foot.

2 • leg.

tmw   v,in. try, have a go.

v,tr. try, attempt.

aux. try.

tmwty   n. try, attempt. Root: tmw "try".

tny   n. father. Cpart: mny "mother".

trņ   n. 1 • shoulder.

2 • wing.

tt   See main entry: tny.

twx   v,in. skilled, wise.

aux. well, with skill.

- mry   v,in-prep. be skilled in.

twý   v,tr. push, shove, forcefully.

aux. causitive, make s.o or s.t do. Gram: agents of transitive verbs with the causitive are marked with sa

-ty   aff. associative nominaliser.

tyxýņ   n. soup.

týw   n. fire, flame.

týwcņ   v,tr. light, set on fire. Root: týw.

týwcņ cykš   v,tr-adv. burn down. See: týwcņ.

týwtýẇ   n. 1 • bon-fire.

2 • time off. Root: týw "fire".

tņt   v,tr. go into, enter. Ant: sycņ "leave".

aux. verb framing auxilary for motion towards somewhere. Gram: can not take tense marking

tņtty   n. entrance, door. Root: tņt.

tšrw   v,in. 1 • imagine.

2 • dream.

v,tr. 1 • imagine.

2 • dream.

aux. imagining, from the mind.

- cŵņ   v,in-aux. dream.

v,tr-aux. deam.

- t   v,in-prep. look forward to, looking to a future event fondly.

tšrwty   n. 1 • dream.

2 • imagination. Root: tšrw "imagine, dream".

tŵņ   v,in. be different. Ant: ŵrņ "same".

k tŵņ   n. others, other people.