
c g ǧ h k m n ņ p q r s t w ŵ x y ý

K - k

k   prtc. mr, general or masculine name particle.

kcy   n. 1 • flower.

2 • flowering plant.

kk   v,tr. have sex with.

kkņý   Variant: kņý-kņý. n. world. Root: kņý.

kmņ   v,in. 1 • be thirsty.

2 • be empty, of fluids or of things.

kmņty   n. thirst, dehydration. Root: kmņ "thirsty".

krw   n. friend.

krwcņ   v,tr. befriend.

krwtw   n. 1 • heart.

2 • life, ability to live.

kty   v,tr. 1 • speak, a language.

v,in. speak, usually with someone. Spec: ǧty "converse".

2 • say. Syn: ywcņ "say". Note: ywcņ is very much more common, kty usually only has this meaning in certain v-n phrases

conj. general subjunction particle used in object position, usually prefered if the phrase is complex. Sim: h "gerund particle".

kty cyýtw   v,tr-n. 1 • say nonsense, babble.

2 • lie. See: cyýtw.

kwkwš   v,tr. grind, process. Root: kwš.

kwkwšty   n. ingredient, material.

kwmwņ   v,in. 1 • shine, be bright. Ant: kwrwš "dark".

2 • be clear, easy to understand.

tņt -   v,tr. shine into, fill with light.

- t   v,in. be easy to understand by s.o.

twý - t   v,tr. clear up, make s.t easier to understand to s.o. Sim: sņtw "teach".

kwn   v,tr. climb, climb over.

kwny   v,in. 1 • be fresh, food.

2 • be new.

kwnyý   v,tr. 1 • meet.

2 • learn.

twý - s   v,tr-prep. teach, make learn, s.t. Sim: sņtw "teach".

kwrwš   v,in. be dark. Ant: kwmwņ "light".

kwry   v,tr. make, construct.

kwtw   n. bone, materal or piece.

kwtwcņ   v,tr. 1 • debone, remove the bones.

2 • finish up with.

kwš   v,tr. 1 • stomp down on, trample.

2 • beat by stomping and kicking.

- ẇņ   v,in-aux. masterbate.

kwšty   n. path, trail. Root: kwš.

kymry   n. stick, branch.

kysyry   v,tr. boil.

kyšý   v,tr. 1 • see, look with the eyes.

2 • know, understand, usually used more with facts than people.

sŵ -   v,in. search, look around for something.

sŵ - m   v,in-prep. look for.

kyšýty   n. 1 • eye. Syn: tkņ ckw.

2 • sight, ability to see. Root: kyšý.

kņkw   v,in. be brocken.

v,tr. break. Sim: cykš "tip and break".

kņkwty   n. 1 • brocken thing.

2 • mistake. Root: kņkw.

kņt   n. fish.

kņý   n. sky.

kškš   n. cat.

kŵy   v,in. 1 • run.

2 • be fast.

adv. quickly, done in a short amount of time.

tņt -   v,tr. run into, a place.

sycņ -   v,tr. run out of, a place.

sŵ -   v,in. run around, about with no real purpose.