
c g ǧ h k m n ņ p q r s t w ŵ x y ý

M - m

m   [má] prep. wanting, for, in order to get. kwrwxtk kyýkyý sy m kņt I made this fishing-spear for fish.

conj. in order to, so that. ktwxtk cyýtw t rwk hny m ǧn hņ qņ I lied to your brother so that he wouldn't cry.

mg   [mága] prtc. miss, madam, honorific particle for females. See: mhg.

mhg   [mahága] n. woman, adult female. Cpart: rwštw "man". Category: Ywmņ - People.

mhw   [máhu] v,in. 1 • be strong.

2 • be hard or sturdy, rocks and structures.

adv. very. Ant: cņhy "weak".

mm   [máma]  See main entry: mny.

mmýņ   [mamájan] Variant: mýņ-mýņ. n. cloudy weather, stormy weather. Root: mýņ.

mny   [máni] n. mother. Cpart: tny "father".

mr   [mára] v,tr. eat, consume. Cpart: ǧyyw "drink".

mrty   [maráti] n. food. Root: mr "eat".

mry   [mári] v,in. think, recken.

v,tr,pred. find to be, think of s.o as.

prep. 1 • in regards to.

2 • for, to the benifite of.

3 • than, for the compared object of a comparative phrase. kŵy hņ mry hk he's faster than me.

- rw   v,in prep. believe.

ms1   [mása] n. 1 • pot.

2 • pottery, set of pots made over a persons life.

ms2   [mása] v,in. recken, think so.

- t   v,in-prep. bet that, be sure that. ms hk t hcņ sycrx I bet he'll die.

- m   v,in-prep. decide that. msxt cryškryšk m hcny cny tņt hyhysy hwrkņ cryškryšk We have decided that you can move into our house. Category: Kwnyty - New additions.

msy   [mási] n. time.

mŵty rw msy   adv. often, alot of the time.

nýty rw msy   adv. never. Ant: msymsy "always".

sšrty rw msy   adv. sometimes.

msymsy   [másimási] adv. all the time, always. Root: msy "time".

mty   [máti] v,tr. help, support.

mtyty   [matíti] n. help, support. Root: mty.

mwcy   [múʔi] v,tr. cook, prepare.

mwcyty   [múʔiti] n. 1 • cooked meal.

2 • cooked. Root: mwcy "cook".

mwgņ   [mugán] v,in. be ugly.

mwnŵy   [munáwi] v,tr. really want, desire.

- m   v,in-prep. wish for, hope for.

mwtš   [mutáʃ] v,tr. use.

mwņ   [mún] adj. all, every.

mwņsw   [múnsu] n. mouth, maw. Category: Nkwnkw - body.

mwņty   [múnti] n. everyone, everything. Root: mwņ.

mymyņ   [mimín] v,tr. pull, tug.

- t   v,tr-prep. get s.o to, do something. mymyņt smyņ hk sky t h mr kwņtŵty my sister got the teacher to eat expired food.

myr   [míra] conj. or.

myrš   [miráʃ] v,tr. choose, pick.

mytņ   [mítan] [mitán] n. 1 • moon.

2 • night.

cry -   adv. at night, during the night.

cry - sy   adv. tonight.

myywry   [míjuri] n. hair.

myýkw   [mijáku] n. usefull animal, one which is deemed to benifite the people. Ant: hrykw "pest". Category: Hwq - Animals & insects.

myýmņ   [mijáman] n. clay, usually wet and pliable. Cpart: cymņ "dried clay".

myýņ   [míjan] n. leather, skin.

mýņ   [májan] n. cloud.

mýš   [májaʃ] v,tr. bite, bite on.

mýšty   [májaʃti] n. tooth, teeth. Root: mýš "bite".

   [mán] adj. three.

mŵty rw   [máwati ru] [máwti ru]  See main entry: mŵy. n-prep. alot of, many.

mŵy   [máwi] n. be big.