
c g ǧ h k m n ņ p q r s t w ŵ x y ý

Ŵ - ŵ

ŵcņ   [wáʔan] n. foringer, someone not of the cryšk culture. Ant: cryšk. Category: Ywmņ - People.

ŵhy   [wáhi] n. roots, grounded or aerial.

ŵkw   [wáku] n. 1 • image, illistration.

2 • glyph, letter.

ŵkwcņ   [wakúʔan] [wákuʔan] v,tr. 1 • draw, write.

2 • record. Root: ŵkw. Gram: use with sa to mark the medium written on

ŵky   [wáki] n. child, baby. Category: Ywmņ - People.

ŵrņ   [wáran] v,in. be the same.

adv. just, simply, it cant be changed. mýš kškš hk ŵrņ my cat just bites. Ant: tŵņ "different".

h -   the same thing.

ŵt   [wáta] n. reeds. Category: Tcšty - Plants & sections of plants.

ŵxt   [wáxta] n. nose. Category: Nkwnkw - body.

ŵņ1   [wán] adv. again.

ŵņ2   [wán] adv. reflexive object adverb.

ŵņty   [wánti] n. reflection. Root: ŵņ1.