
c g ǧ h k m n ņ p q r s t w ŵ x y ý

S - s

s   prep. general locative preposition, on, in, at.

conj. while, when, in the process of.

sh   v,tr. mold or shape, clay. Nug: myýmņ "wet clay".

shty   n. shape, form. Root: sh.

shy   v,in. 1 • be shallow, a hole or body of water.

2 • be quiet, s.o.

shņ   n. event, occasion.

skm cryšk   n-n. the ariska langauge, spoken by the ariska.

skm nwnwņgw   n-n. the nununku language.

skw   v,in. move, slide.

tņt -   v,in. close or be closed, a door.

sycņ -   v,in. open or be opened, a door.

sky   n. teacher.

smy   n. 1 • sun.

2 • day, daytime.

cry -   adv. during the day.

cry - sy   adv. today.

smysmy   adv. every day. Root: smy; Sim: msymsy "always".

smyņ   1 • n. sister.

2a • n. girl, female child. Cpart: rwk.

2b • nadj. of the female sex or gender.

2c • nadj. for females.

sry   v,tr. 1 • lick.

2 • taste.

sryty   n. tounge. Root: sry.

ssņý   Variant: sņý-sņý. v,tr. remember, recall.

stw   n. head, skull.

sty   v,in. 1 • smile.

2 • be happy.

styty   n. smile. Root: sty.

stņ   n. fence.

sxtw   n. cooking pit.

sy   1 • adv. here.

2 • adv. now, recently.

3 • adj. this.

4 • conj. very well, although. conjunction for marking contrast, usually comparing a better clause to a worse one. sy kty hk skm cryšk, ǧnk kty skm nwnwņgw I do indeed speak ariska, but not nununku. sy kyšý hny now you understand!

sycņ   v,tr. 1 • exit, go out of.

2 • leave, a place or s.o.

aux. verb framing auxilary for motion away from or out of somewhere.

sykš   v,tr. 1 • throw, s.t to s.o. Sim: ywŵņ "thow at".

2 • give permision, of s.t to s.o.

syn   Variant: sny. v,tr. love.

synty   n. love. Root: syn.

syrx   v,tr. kill, an animal or person.

syyw   n. window.

syýmy   n. 1 • hole, verticle.

2 • imperfections.

syýnw   n. berries.

sņý   v,tr. find.

sšny   v,tr. fill, s.t.

sšý   n. pile.

- rw   n-prep. a few, a little.

sšýty rw   See main entry: sšý. n-prep. a few, a little.

   v,in. go, walk.

aux. verb framing auxilary, for general stagnant motion.