• c • g • ǧ • h • k • m • n • ņ • p • q • r • s • t • w • ŵ • x • y • ý •
H - h
h [há] prtc. 1 • gerund particle, -ing. kwņtwxt kškš hk, syn hņ h kyt cryšk my cat is vile, he loves scratching people.
2 • general subordinator. gýw hcņ kwry ms smysmy hk I like that he makes pots everyday.
3 • object subordinator. ǧt hsy hcny mr cn? is this what you eat?
4 • one, dummy-noun for modifiers and relative clauses.
hck prtc-pn. first person singular clitisized form of h.
hcryškryšk prtc-pn. first person collective plural clitisized form of h.
hckmņ prtc-pn. first person plural clitisized form of h.
hcny prtc-pn. second person singular clitisized form of h.
hcnycny prtc-pn. second person collective plural clitisized form of h.
hcnymņ prtc-pn. second person plural clitisized form of h.
hcņ prtc-pn. third person singular clitisized form of h; hcnņ.
hcnņ prtc-pn. third person collective plural clitisized form of h.
hk [háka] [áka] pn. first person singular, I.
hkwņ [hakún] v,tr. place, set.
- t v,tr-prep. set, place, down on.
hmy1 [hámi] 1a • n. edge, corner.
1b • n. divider, marker dividing spaces, either physically or conceptually. Sim: stntņ ‘"boarder"’.
2 • n. eyebrow, eye ridge. Syn: ckw hmy ‘"eyebrow"’.
hmy2 [hámi] n. 1 • other side, of a place or thing.
2 • other type or kind of thing. ǧt mŵty rw hmy rw ywŵņty, ǧn mwnw cygwty rw hsy there are many other different kinds of yuwanti , it isnt just the likes of this one. Gen: cygwty ‘"kind"’.
hny [háni] [áni] pn. second person singular, you.
hnycny pn. second person plural, y'all.
hrykw [haríku] n. culturally annoying or destructive animal, pest. Ant: myýkw. Category: Hwq - Animals & insects.
hrņ [háran] v,in. be fat, be thick.
hrš [háras] v,in. be or get wet, covered with water.
v,tr. make wet, cover with water.
hrškw [harásku] Variant: hwrškw. v,in. rain.
hsy [hási] pn. this. Morph: h‑sy.
hty [háti] n. thing.
hwq [húkʷa] n. wild animal, beast. Category: Hwq - Animals & insects.
hwrkņ [hurákan] n. house, home.
hwrwcwņ [hurúʔun] v,in. 1 • be tired, exhausted.
v,tr. make tired, exhaust.
2 • be done, not want to participate further. hwrwcwņ hk, ǧtxt cryškryšk s gwnwcņ ry smy nwc im done, we have been digging this hole since morning.
hwrýw [huráju] v,in,pred. 1 • be named, be called.
2 • mean, a word. ǧnk kyšý "kyýcņ", kwrýw yw sy ý? I dont know "kyýcņ", what does this word mean?
3a • have a inherent or long-lasting quality.
3b • be infected by a long-term disease or handi-cap.
hwrýw cņhy [huráju ámhi] v,in,pred-pred. be easy. See: hwrýw; cņhy. Ant: hwrýw mhw.
hwrýw mhw [huráju máhu] v,in,pred-pred. be difficult, be challenging. See: hwrýw; mhw. Ant: hwrýw cņhy.
hwrýwty [hurájuti] n. name, lable. Root: hwrýw.
hwwy [ʍí] v,in. come.
v,tr. follow, s.o or instructions.
aux. 1 • hortitive auxilary, polite request or encouragement. hwwy kwry hsy! go make it!
2 • auxilary to mark actions done by ones own accord, usually despite what others want. hwwy kty hk s skm rw hck myrš I'll speak in whatever language I choose to.
hwwyty [ʍíti] n. 1 • pattern, visual or a recognisable behavior.
2 • rules, a set of instructions to be followed. Root: hwwy.
hwņt n. corpse.
hy1 [hí] adj. and, too.
adv. and, too, as well.
hy2 [hí] n. 1 • fur, body hair, facial hair.
nadj. furry, hairy.
hyhysy [hihísi] Variant: hysy-hysy. v,tr. live, reside in, enhabit. Root: hysy ‘"stay"’.
tņt - v,tr. move in to.
sycņ - v,in. move out of.
hymyņ [hímin] v,in. be beautiful, be pretty.
hynw [hínu] v,in. sing.
v,tr. preform, sing.
hynwty [hinúti] n. song. Root: hynw.
hysy [hísi] v,in. stay.
hysycņ [hisíʔan] v,tr. 1 • make stay.
2 • shock, suprise. Root: hysy.
hņ [hán] [án] pn. third person singular, he, she, they.
hņkw [hánku] v,tr. plant, place into the ground.
hņkwty [hánkuti] n. 1 • plant. Syn: tcšty ‘plant’.
2 • seeds. Root: hņkw. Category: Tcšty - Plants & sections of plants.
hŵņ [háwan] pn. 1 • one's self.
2 • each other. Sim: ŵņ.